Saturday, August 9, 2008

Washington, D.C. Mall & More Volleyball

Today we headed out to the Washington Mall to visit the National Museum of the American Indian. I'd been there before and I feel like I never spend enough time looking around. We ate lunch at the cafeteria where they served authentic Native American dishes from regions around the country. Ayumi got some kind of unusual drink and it was fun watching Nozomu's reaction to its unusual taste. The exhibits were interesting because they served as a testament to the ethnic and cultural diversity of this land even before it was established as a country.
After NMAI, I took a group to the National Air and Space Museum, which is a place you can't help but like. We saw the Wright Brothers exhibit that displayed the first plane ever. For some reason my favorite part was the original patent for "Flying Machines". It's amazing how that little piece of paper has affected our modern world. To finish off the day on a mall we watched a movie about black holes in the Einstein Planetarium. I thought it was kind of cool but a lot of my group ended up dozing off because of the dark lighting and reclined seats.
Afterward we went to what some might call a playground (for lack of a better word) and Masatoshi, Nobuya, and Ryohei performed some acrobatics. Joe and I weren't able to swing around a 7 foot tall pull up bar, but the other guys did it with ease. In the end they helped push me up to the top and we all took a picture. So much for showing off! I'll have to practice more tomorrow when we go to Voice of America.
Back at College Park we played more volleyball with Nikki and her friend, Chris. I did not have a good day and ended up costing my team a few games. Sorry guys. I will compliment Tomoko on her awesome plays though: the experience really shows. Later, Masahiro tried to teach me how to spin a basket/soccer ball on my finger like the Harlem Globetrotters. I made a wager with him that I'd be able to do it by Friday and if I can do it for five seconds, I'll get a Japanese souvenir. Wish me luck!
We finished off the night with a dinner at Potbelly and a game of "Keep Away" with me, Nozomu, and Yuya. Nozomu was often the "monkey in the middle" but he was a good sport and made some good steals from Yuya, Nobuya, and me. By the way, I don't recommend having an Oreo milkshake and then taking part in an hour of intense physical activity. That's all I'm going to say.

Good night!


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Nina Liakos said...

Another full and exciting day for AGU in America! The NASM isn't my favorite museum, but it certainly has many historical and interesting exhibits. I enjoyed looking at the "playground" pictures. Where is that place?

These students are in great shape!

masahiro said...

Hi, Mike. It's Monday.

You have only 4 days!!

Are you OK ? lol